Research is the most important tool for the development of a nation and the growth of its people. It is a tool to impart decision-making, problem-solving, creativity, and critical thinking to the young generation. In the 21st century, it can help acquire knowledge to understand the concepts pertaining to the century and solve complex problems of this era.
As an educational institute, we know that research can help a student not only explore their subjects but also guide them to discover new ideas. It teaches them to cite authentic sources to become independent learners by analyzing the information collected from reliable sources. It allows them to explore new dimensions and develop unique ideas for the betterment of their social fabric, cultural firmament, and national strength.
Communication is also an essential skill for the students of the 21st century and research is also helpful in developing effective communication skills by presenting their ideas in a coherent way, so that they could develop supporting arguments and acceptable evidences for their audience.
Owing to the importance of research, Govt. Dyal Singh Graduate College has launched two research journals for its students to publish their research work and read national and international scholars along with new themes, ideas, and concepts. These research journals cater to the needs of all departments. One of the journals ‘Dyal Singh Journal of Humanities and Social Science’ is publishing the research of humanities and social science departments and the other research journal ‘Scientific Nature’ is for the students of science disciplines.
Dyal Singh Journal of Humanities and Social Science
The Dyal Singh Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (DSJHSS) is an online, open-access, peer-reviewed, and refereed journal in English and Urdu, published by Government Dyal Singh Graduate College, Lahore, Pakistan. This is a multidisciplinary international journal that is published biannually in the months of June and December. The journal provides a forum for national and international researchers and scholars to publish their original research papers in the fields of the humanities and social sciences. It aims to advance disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approaches in its publications from a variety of literature, language, social sciences, arts, and humanities perspectives.
Scientific Nature
The Scientific Nature is an online, open-access, peer-reviewed, and refereed journal in English published by Government Dyal Singh Graduate College, Lahore, Pakistan. This is a multidisciplinary international journal that is published biannually in the months of June and December. The journal provides a forum for national and international researchers and scholars to publish their original research papers in the fields of biotechnology, microbiology, chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics, engineering, zoology (animal and plant sciences), and related fields of science. It aims to advance disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approaches in its publications from a variety of sciences and natural sciences perspectives.