Instructions for Admission
Admission will be granted on merit in accordance with the rules & regulations and policy designed by the Government of the Punjab.
- Applications for admission will be received on prescribed forms/online admission forms within specific period as announced by the B.I.S.E., Lahore and University of the Punjab, Lahore which will be notified in the newspapers.
- Physical presence of the applicant at the time of admission is mandatory.
- Preference will be given to the fresh applicants who have passed their exams in the same year.
- Admission will not be granted to those applicants who passed their respective examinations two or more years back.
- Admission committee is authorized not to grant admission to any student convicted and penalized in the past.
- The applicant who fails to deposit his/her dues within the specified time will forfeit his/her right of Admission.
- The maximum age limit for the applicants seeking admission to Associate & BS Four Year Degree Programs is 21 years. A candidate having upper age will get age relaxation on prescribed Performa.
- Admission with late fee will be granted subject to the availability of seats.
- Applicants getting admission with late fee or migrating from other Board/University will themselves be responsible for their registration with the respective board/university.
Admission Procedure
Two modes of admissions are being offered by the college.
Online Admission
Visit Enter your Matric Roll Number and select your Board.
1. Select college and program. Print application processing fee slip.
2. Deposit processing fee (Rs.25) at any branch of The Bank of Punjab.
On-Campus Admission
- After the declaration of results by B.I.S.E., Lahore / Punjab University, the college advertises Admission Schedule in the newspapers.
- Prospectus and admission form can be obtained with payment from the college office during college hours.
- Application form for admission must be filled in by the candidate in his/her own handwriting and signed by the parent/guardian.
- Candidates seeking admission must attach the following documents along with their application form:
a) 3 attested photocopies of Secondary School Certificate/result card for all classes.
b) 3 attested photocopies of HSSC Result Cards only for Associate & BS Degree Programs.
c) 1 attested photocopy of character certificate by the Head of the Institution last attended. For private candidate’s character certificate issued by any Gazetted Officer must be attached.
d) 4 fresh passport size photographs with light blue background
e) 2 + 2 attested photocopies of the Computerized National Identity Card of the applicant and parent/guardian.
f) Original Migration Certificate / NOC is required from the student who has passed SSC / HSSC/ Associate Degree Programs / Graduation Examination from a Board / University outside the territorial jurisdiction of BISE, Lahore /Punjab University.
Approval of Admission
- Admission will be granted by the Principal / Director Admission on the recommendation of the Admission Committee. His decision will be final and cannot be challenged in any court of law.
- Admission got on fake documents or miss-statement of facts is liable to be cancelled at any time, without assigning any reason.
Admission Dues
- After the approval of admission, the applicant will have to obtain the challan form from the fee clerk and deposit admission dues within the stipulated date in specific branch of the Bank of Punjab.
- College funds for the whole academic session will be received at the time of admission.
- Admission will stand cancelled automatically if the applicant fails to pay his dues within the prescribed time schedule.
- College Roll No. will be issued two days after the submission of admission dues.
- Admission dues are different for Second Shift students.
Admission Policy
Admissions will be granted to the applicants according to the admission policy announced by the Government of the Punjab & University of the Punjab.
Disabled Seats
Applicants seeking admission on Disabled seats must submit the certificate of their physical disability issued by the M.S. of a Government hospital.
Fee Concession
College administration offers fee concession facility to its needy and deserving students. In order to get any financial assistance, it is necessary that student should have passed the internal exams / tests of the college.
All merit Scholarships/stipends of Government/Board/University will be available in this college. Government Dyal Singh Graduate College offers the following Scholarships to its intelligent and industrious students:
- Government Dyal Singh Graduate College Bright Student Scholarship 08
- Chishty Scholarship 40
- Professor Ashraf Scholarship 06