It’s an honour to be the Administrative Head of a hundred-year-old, historical Govt. Dyal Singh Graduate College, Lahore. This institution has struggled hard to enfold its composure, its calmness, and its grandeur. An illustrious faculty with devotional spirit as well as professional experience, promising students and conducive environment characterized by love, respect and commitment to ensure a bright era in the making.
In today’s perturbed socio-cultural scenario, educational institutions have a constructive role to play. The raw, invaluable potential of the students is a great source, which can be transformed into balanced, harmonious personalities by creating a healthy learning environment. Reflecting on my modest experience in the educational setting, I can see that the time-tested centers of learning such as Govt. Dyal Singh Graduate College can prove to be the catalyst for futuristic transformation. For this we need to revisit our existing educational practices. This means a shift from transmission mode to a transformational paradigm, which is so vital for a holistic, behavioral change. In the transformational paradigm three elements are vital, among which vision is the real core. A sublime vision unfolds the destination. Let’s envision ourselves by following the Quran and the Sunnah. Next important element is the nobility of character. This lost treasure must be rediscovered to regain dignity as an individual, as a community and above all, as a nation.
Professional skills reflect a nation’s image. In this post-modern world, known for excellence and technology, we must prepare ourselves with compatible knowledge. It is the need of the hour if we aspire to survive and succeed in a competitive world. A combination of three inter-acting elements: vision, character and professional excellence is needed to meet ever-emerging challenges. Let’s resolve together to continue educating the minds and hearts of our future generations and empowering them with intellectual capacity and leadership abilities.
Dear aspiring Students, In Sha Allah, you will find Government Dyal Singh Graduate College, Lahore a stimulating and a supportive abode to materialize your dreams.